The Truth About Wool: How to Spot Authentic and Ethically Sourced Sheepskin Rugs:
Are you looking for a way to make sure your sheepskin rug is authentic and ethically sourced? Look no further than The Truth About Wool: How to Spot Authentic and Ethically Sourced sheepskin rugs. This comprehensive guide provides you with the tools you need to identify genuine, quality wool products that are both humanely produced and made with natural materials.
Sheepskin rugs are an excellent addition to any home. They are soft, comfortable and add warmth to any room. Unfortunately, not all sheepskin rugs come from ethically sourced materials or authentic wool, making it difficult for consumers to make informed purchasing decisions.
One way to spot authentic wool is by checking the texture and thickness of the rug. Authentic wool will have a thick fur that feels soft and supple to the touch. Additionally, look at the color of the wool; if it lacks natural variations in hue, it may be synthetic.
Ethical sourcing is another vital aspect of purchasing a sheepskin rug. Look for certifications like Responsible Wool Standard (RWS) or Global Organic Textile Standards (GOTS). These certifications ensure that animals were treated humanely, without unnecessary harm or exploitation during their lifetime.
Sheepskin rugs have been an essential decor option for centuries for numerous reasons. They are warm, soft, and durable- making them a perfect option for home decoration. However, with the growing awareness of animal rights and conservation, it has become essential to ensure that the sheepskin rug you choose is authentic and ethically sourced.
The Truth About Wool: How to Spot Authentic and Ethically Sourced sheepskin.

Authentic sheepskin rugs come from specific breeds of sheep that have been selectively bred for hardiness, density of wool growth, and survival. These breeds of sheep produce high-quality wool with natural oils that resist soiling and matting. Moreover, authentic sheepskins are tanned without any use of chemicals or synthetic materials which could be harmful to the environment.
On the other hand, some unethical merchants may claim that their products are made out of authentic sheepskins when in reality they are not. To spot an authentic and ethically sourced sheepskin rug, there are a few things you should look out for:
1. The first thing you can do is feel the texture of the rug. If it feels too soft and lacks density, then the rug may not be authentic.
2. Look for tell-tale signs around its edges; this is where most manufacturers slip up since the material used on faux fur is usually different than what’s used in creating an authentic product.
3. Check if there's any smell coming off of it; if there is a chemical odor or synthetic smell on the rug, it's more likely not to be an authentic product.
4. You can also check by looking at its quantity: scarcity typically implies quality when it comes to ethically-sourced products (including but not limited to fur coats).
"From Fluff to Fab: Watch this Sheep Shed 80 Pounds of Wool!"
Have you ever wondered what a sheep would look like if no one ever clipped its wool?
Shaun is a merino sheep from Tasmania who has not been shorn in over 5 years. Given that most sheep are shorn annually, this means Shaun's wool had grown to an estimated 80 pounds!"
"The wool was so heavy it began to affect Shaun's mobility, putting him at serious risk for injury or death from heat exhaustion."
In an effort led by RSPCA Australia and Tasmania Police, rescuers spent over 45 minutes shearing away Shaun's fleece which weighed in at an astounding 52 pounds - unofficially making it one of the heaviest fleeces ever shorn from a living adult sheep!"
But removing all that wool wasn't just critical for Shuan's sake.. Without human intervention, Sheep can die under such heavy coats. So let Shauns transformation serve as your reminder; check up on your furry friends every once in a while-just to make sure they're doing okay.
5. Lastly, check for “quality marks” - while these aren’t always proof-positive indicators since some counterfeiters may try their best to counterfeit these items too (can sometimes require special equipment to scan), they can give you some assurance over the source/authenticity.
In conclusion, high-quality authentic and ethically sourced sheepskin rugs are not only beneficial for your home decor but are also a sustainable commodity. These types of rugs are usually more durable and last longer due to their natural oils that resist soiling and matting. When purchasing a sheepskin rug, it's essential to inspect it closely for authenticity and ethical production lines, as not doing this may fund animal abuse or harm the environment.
We carry the best sheepskin rugs in Canada:

Home decor has always been a way for individuals to showcase their style and personality. While there are several pieces that can be used in home decoration, sheepskin rugs stand out as an ultimate accessory that can transform any space into a warm and cozy sanctuary. Among various types of sheepskins available in the market, Icelandic sheepskin stands out as one of the most exotic yet functional options that can elevate any décor to a new level. These unique treasures are mostly sourced from New Zealand and have been highly prized by both interior designers and homeowners for centuries due to their long fur fibers, unique patterns, and unparalleled warmth. In this article, we will be exploring why Icelandic sheepskin rugs are the best choice for your home or outdoor decor.
Icelandic Sheepskin Rugs: The Ultimate Home Decor Essential:
Durability: A Long-lasting Investment
The first thing to consider when choosing a rug is its durability, as you don't want an investment that wears off quickly. Icelandic sheepskin is known for being exceptionally tough compared to other types of sheepskins. Each rug is hand-selected based on its texture and thickness of fur, ensuring longevity and durability with no shedding or fluffing over time. The softness of the Icelandic wool guarantees a comfortable walking surface while maintaining its original shape while keeping its fluffy texture intact through everyday use.
Warmth: Creates A Cozy Ambience
Icelandic sheepskins are excellent heat insulators which means they retain warmth like no other rug can- making it so perfect for creating an ultra-cozy ambience in your living room or bedroom during colder months. You'll never have cold feet again thanks to these beautiful insulating properties! Moreover, Icelandic sheepskins regulate moisture levels through their breathable fur fibers making them hypoallergenic keeping unwanted allergens at bay- thus promoting safe health standards.
Versatility: Compliments All décors
The natural beauty of Icelandic sheepskin rugs makes them a perfect addition to any living space, regardless of style. For a modern touch, go for the plain light-coloured Icelandic sheepskin rug that will complement any room in your house with its understated elegance. Alternatively, you can opt for a multi-coloured rug that features unique patterns and textures that make them stand out as an exquisite treasure - perfect if you want to achieve an exotic vibe in your room. These unique patterns on the rugs' fur fibers will add depth and personality to your décor while being versatile enough to match with any furniture or decorative pieces.
Eco-Friendly: Ethical Sourcing
Environmental and animal welfare concerns always surround fashion items made from animals. However, Icelandic sheepskin rugs are exceptionally eco-friendly and ethical- two essential factors when it comes to home décor today. Unlike many other types of sheepskins procured from industrial farming methods, Icelandic sheepskins come from New Zealand where natural conditions enhance the quality of wool grown- they roam around freely, receiving proper treatment under humane conditions without the use of harmful chemicals during farming or processing methods- this is why choosing an authentic Icelandic sheepskin can be regarded as one small contribution towards safeguarding our planet.
Low-Maintenance: Easy To Clean
One of the best bits about these rugs is their low-maintenance cleaning requirements due to their natural materials. The long fibers prevent dirt particles from penetrating deeply into the fibers, maintaining active hygiene standards effortlessly- regularly vacuuming keeps dirt at bay. In instances where strange stains occur on your rug's surface accidentally; wiping away with moisture diluted mild soap helps combat spills effectively!
Outdoor Decor: A Cozy Addition To Your Outdoor Space
Icelandic sheepskins are customizable accessories not just limited to indoor spaces but outdoor terraces and balconies too! It's all about creativity when choosing where they fit outdoors - sow it up alongside patio furniture or drape it over railing with two faux-fur pillows on each side to create an outdoor relaxation spot everyone would love. The durability of the Icelandic sheepskin makes them suitable for both outdoor and indoor spaces, even in harsh climate conditions.
In conclusion, Icelandic sheepskins are a versatile way to add warmth and texture that upgrades your décor from a boring space to a funky and luxurious touch. The thick, long fibers of these rugs give a unique wild yet subdued feel that attracts the eye without being overbearing. Additionally, being ethically sourced from humane farming methods in New Zealand means you can be proud of your chic home decor accessories while contributing towards maintaining our planet's safeguard measures. We truly cannot recommend this product enough- it’s a lifetime investment!
Sheepskin rugs have been popular for many years due to their soft texture and luxurious appearance. If you're looking to purchase a sheepskin rug, there are several factors to consider before making your decision.
One of the first questions that may come to mind is, "which sheepskin rug should I buy?" When it comes to choosing a sheepskin rug, it's important to look for one that is made from high-quality sheepskin. You should also consider the size and design of the rug to ensure it will fit well in your space.
or a rug that is not only attractive but also authentic and ethically sourced. A genuine sheepskin rug can bring warmth, texture, and natural elegance to your space, but how can you tell if it's authentic? Here are some tips to help you spot the real deal.
Firstly, consider the location where the rug is coming from. Sheepskin rugs that are sourced from certain regions including Iceland, New Zealand, and Australia tend to be of higher quality because of the weather conditions in those places. For example, Icelandic sheepskins are known for their long and soft wool fibers due to the country’s harsh winters. On the other hand, Australian and New Zealand sheepskins have a more uniform appearance since the sheep’s offspring are bred specifically for wool.
Another way to ensure authenticity is by checking for certifications, such as the British Wool Marketing Board or Woolmark label. These certifications indicate that the product has met certain standards for wool quality and ethical sourcing. Additionally, look out for suppliers who offer transparency on how they source their products.
When it comes to ethical sourcing of sheepskin rugs, there should be no compromise. Sheepskin rugs should never be made using fur from an animal that has been mistreated or subjected to cruel living conditions. When considering a supplier, look for one that puts animal welfare at its forefront.
So why should you invest in an authentic and ethically sourced sheepskin rug? These types of genuine products will last longer without shedding or malting excessively. The durability of these rugs means your investment will last longer than its cheaper counterparts, providing many years of cozy warmth and texture underfoot.
In addition to these benefits, with each purchase of a genuine sheepskin rug comes an environmental impact factor. Wool fibres have the ability to absorb pollutants in the air such as nitrogen dioxide and formaldehyde which is emitted by everyday household items like carpets and cleaning products; this means that choosing wool over synthetic options can help with contributing to sustainable living while reducing the carbon footprint.
In conclusion, when investing in a sheepskin rug, it’s important to ensure that it is authentic and ethically sourced. With these tips in mind, you’ll be able to find a beautiful rug that will last long and provide comfort for years to come. It’s an investment you won't regret!
Another question people often ask is whether or not sheepskin rugs are cruel. The answer is not black and white. While some people argue that using animal products of any kind is cruel, others believe that if the animal is treated humanely and sustainably, using its byproducts can actually benefit both humans and animals alike.
mal products like sheepskin is cruel, there are others who view it as a sustainable and ethical form of material. Here, we'll dive deeper into the debate surrounding sheepskin rugs.
Firstly, it's essential to note that not all sheepskin rugs are created equal. Some companies mass-produce their wool using inhumane practices. However, many suppliers source their raw materials from countries like New Zealand and Australia. These countries have strict regulations on animal welfare, deeming them more ethical than other sources.
Secondly, many people don't realize that sheep need to be sheared regularly for their health and wellbeing. If they aren't shorn, they can suffer from overheating or injury because their wool becomes too heavy for them to carry around.
In light of this fact, you could argue that it's only logical to use the wool once it's already been removed from the sheep during an annual shearing process. It would consider wasteful to simply discard what could turn out to be a valuable byproduct.
Additionally, sheep have significantly lower ecological footprints when compared with other animals raised specifically for cashmere or leather production. Since they don't consume anywhere near the same amount of water or food as cows or goats do while producing hides or fur materials, the environmental impact of sheep farming is quite low.
Some people object that even if sheepskin doesn't contribute greatly in terms of carbon emissions or high demand for resources like water and land usage. They also say that using any animal product is unethical since it involves taking advantage of another creature's life and wellbeing simply for human purposes such as decoration or clothing.
They speak about how alternatives are available synthetically-made imitations now made primarily with petrochemicals plastics and recycled polyester fibers through productive processes cranked up to levels impossible with natural methods causing pollutants which can't biodegrade easily leading ultimately ending up in landfills.
While it is true that synthetic option is available in markets nowadays, the lack of biodegradability and contribution to the pollution it causes have significant negative consequences for the environment. Since natural sheepskin rugs could theoretically last decades with proper care, they don't create ongoing demand for new products constantly. This means that their usage doesn't increase environmental impact unlike synthetic alternatives, which eventually end up in landfills.
So, how can you ensure that your sheepskin rug was sourced ethically? There are a few things you should look for when shopping:
1. Country of origin: A sheepskin rug from New Zealand or Australia is more likely to be ethical since these countries have strict legal regulations on animal welfare.
2. Supplier transparency: Choose a supplier who asserts its commitment to ethical sourcing practices and provides enough information about the source of its materials as well as confirms that their suppliers meet strict standards.
3. The labor conditions and treatment of workers involved in wool production matters too especially if you'd like to guarantee you're buying humanely-made goods all around.
4. Coyote or fox fur accents indicate genuine upscale quality according i.e grizzly coloured variations signify high-quality per individual hairs against muted background colours showcasing distinguished fur patterns which add character aesthetically that screams handcrafted luxury.
5 Lastly, always look out for certifications awarded by authorities; such as Woolmark certification program designed by The Woolmark Company to create awareness amongst customers about authentication and ethical standards detailed scrutiny in testing requirements leading towards product identification not only ensuring unparalleled quality assurance but also strict adherence to animal welfare standards throughout all stages and reputable trustworthy sources.
In conclusion, while there may be arguments over whether using sheepskin rugs is ethical or not - given that some people are willing to compromise on certain aspects- when done correctly with stringent sourcing methods and compliance with top certification programs like Woolmark Certification Program, natural sheepskins can offer sustainability as long-lasting additions to interior decor and emit less carbon footprint than alternatives. Natural sheepskin products hold the advantage of their warmth, texture, and natural elegance while providing a genuinely authentic touch when incorporated into one's space.
To determine if a sheepskin rug is real, there are a few things you can look for. First, examine the texture and feel of the rug. Real sheepskin should be soft and supple, while synthetic materials will feel stiff and artificial.
So why choose a sheepskin rug over other types of rugs? The answer lies in their unique blend of warmth, softness and durability. Sheepskins offer natural insulation properties which make them perfect for cold winters or chilly evenings spent indoors.
But do sheepskin rugs hurt sheep? This again depends largely on where the skins are sourced from. Some farmers use reckless methods such as tail docking and rough shearing which can lead to injuries in the animals they harvest from. However there are good sourcing practices around where no harm is done to the sheep. Its also important to note that measures are often taken to ensure maximum utilization of all materials from an animal, so very little goes to waste.
aring which can cause harm to the sheep, while others treat their animals with care and respect. We'll look at the different practices used by farmers and how they impact the animal welfare.
Tail docking is a controversial practice that involves removing a portion of a sheep's tail for hygiene purposes. While some farmers argue that it is necessary to prevent flystrike, others see it as cruel and unnecessary. The process involves cutting off the tail using a hot knife or banding it until it falls off on its own. This can be extremely painful for the animal and can lead to infections or other complications later on.
Another harmful practice used in sheep farming is rough shearing, where shearers focus more on speed than precision, causing cuts and bruises on sheep's skin. It’s not uncommon for shearers to be paid per sheep shorn rather than by hours worked — this standard encourages hasty work that causes harm.
However, there are farmers who use ethical and sustainable methods of raising sheep. These farmers employ skilled shearers who take their time while shearing each animal so that they're not harmed during the process. Additionally, responsible farmers also ensure that their sheep are given plenty of space to roam freely outside and are given enough food and water to keep them healthy.
It's important for consumers to do their research before purchasing a sheepskin rug from any brand or producer. Ethical brands will have transparency regarding where they source their materials from and what measures they take to ensure high-quality standards while promoting good animal welfare.
The best way to guarantee ethical sourcing is by choosing certified cruelty-free products such as those marked with certifications like PETA-Approved Vegan or EU Ecolabel certification or buying from smaller farms/brands with direct resources access traceable back to suppliers ensuring accountability throughout the supply chain.
Ultimately, people need to decide for themselves if using animal products like a sheepskin rug aligns with their personal values and lifestyle choices. If someone feels strongly against using animal products but is still drawn to the luxury and comfort of a sheepskin rug, there are plenty of alternative materials available like synthetic sheepskin that can replicate the look and feel without harming any animals.
In conclusion, the use of sheepskin as a material for home decor is a complicated issue. While some may argue that it's cruel to use animal products, others view it as a sustainable and ethical way of using natural resources. It's up to each individual consumer to decide what level of animal welfare they're comfortable with when purchasing products, and doing research into sourcing practices beforehand helps make informed choices. Additionally, choosing certified cruelty-free products or brands that promote good animal welfare practices can ensure accountability throughout the supply chain and lead to more sustainable solutions in future for both humans and animals alike.
These are just some of the considerations to keep in mind when shopping for a sheepskin rug. By doing your research and choosing a high-quality, responsibly sourced product, you can enjoy the warmth and beauty of this classic decor item while feeling good about your purchase.
Baarack, a sheep found roaming in rural Australia, was rescued by an animal sanctuary after being severely overgrown with wool. The sheep is estimated to be about 5 years old and had not been shorn for at least five years. His fleece weighed in at more than 75 pounds, but after a much-needed haircut from the sanctuary's volunteer shearers, Baarack now has a new lease on life.